Study in the heart of Budapest from professional trainers, on high-end coffee machines!

We created Coffee Education Center to help all kind of coffee lovers – from beginners to professionals – finding suitable barista training for themselves. Our aim as a public space is to gather those who just got familiar with the world of coffee and all those who work as barista but want to improve their skills with SCA trainings.  

We give solid base and comprehensive knowledge to all of our students so that they can stand confidently behind the coffee machine whether working or participating on barista competition. In CEC you can learn coffee brewing from experienced trainers, in friendly environment with a huge emhasize on practice. Our barista courses are held with high-end coffee machines and top-quality specialty coffee.

Get your Hungarian-English bilingual barista certificate at CEC!

These are gross prices (VAT included) and there are no hidden costs. Included all barista tools for the trainings and exam costs as well.

The course dates are flexible so we can adjust them to the wishes of applicants.

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Professional Barista

This 4 day long barista training is for those who are really passionated for the beans. They can learn the technical and scientific approach of coffee making as well. After finishing the course with our bilingual certificate they can be hired by any specialty cafe. Our experienced barista trainer delivers a comprehensive and very practical knowledge about the daily tasks of baristas.

For real enthusiastics who want the get a deep insight of coffee

From Monday to Thursday (9 AM-4 PM)

Day 1.:
- Introduction to the world of coffee
- Course of coffee from seed to cup
- What is specialty coffee?
- Coffee tasting (cupping) of different coffees from different farming areas ( different farming land, different processing, different roasting)
- Getting to know coffee machine, grinder and all barista tools

Day 2.:
- basics of espresso making
- ristretto, lungo, americano
- extraction ,TDS
- basics of milk steaming
- maintenance and cleaning of equipments

Day 3.:
- setting of espresso recipe individually
- drink menu, making of different latte drinks
- latte art
- work process strategies and and dealing with work surface

Day 4.:
- introduction to filter coffee
- practice
- exam

Price: 159.000 HUF

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Home Barista

Our one day home barista course is for casual enthusiastics who want to make the most delicious espresso or latte at home. During this very intense day we learn the basics of making the perfect espresso, get an insight of steaming technics and latte-art.

Price: 56.000 Ft

Starts at 9 am and finishes at 3 pm.

- cupping - coffee tasting

- theory and history of coffee

- espresso setting - getting to know the barista tools

- milk steaming

- latte art

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In our 3 hour long latte-art course we teach you how to elevate coffee making to artistic level by mixing steamed milk and coffee. We start from a perfectly frothed milk, we learn the control of the flow and the wrist and pouring the basic pattern of the heart, the leaf and the tulip. We are looking forward to having both beginers who are eager to entertain theirselves with latte-art both barista colleagues who want to improve their skills.

Price: 49.000 Ft

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Filter Coffee

In our 3 hour long filter training we teach you how to brew the perfect cup of filter coffee. We go through the most relevant factors like: what type of water to use, why grinder is important, how to use recepies and the different filter tools.

Price: 49.000 Ft

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Highly recommended for companies as team building event, for companionships, or as a gift. Great fun for everyone who are interested in tasting different specialty coffees from different farming areas.

Price: 17.000 Ft

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Competition Prep

Our professional trainer coaches any barista colleague for national or international competitions.

Price: individual



What happens after filling out the application form?

We get in touch with you or via mail or phone to find a suitable course date and give you all the information.

You want to surprise someone with a barista course or workshop?

Then choose “gift voucher” from the “courses” line in the application form.